Wednesday, April 04, 2007

A couple of thoughts

1. Volume stinks. Trading is about erratic as it gets. I dont udnerstand why its so thin. Do that many people really take the week before Easter off? No. My guess is liquidity is evaporating. Funs are selling straight into any kind of rally.

2. The data out of the US looks tepid at best. It doesn't seem like any acceleration is on tap.

3. What is the rest of the world's plan if things get really bad? It seems pretty clear that consumers are really leveraged. So much income is already being used to service existing debt

4. What is the deal with Japan? How can the yen be so tightly correlated to the almost all the equity markets. Why does the rest of the world have to adjust there interest policy to try and stem inflation when the BOJ just hands out free money. CB's and governments should be all over them. They are the second largest economy in the world.

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