Friday, December 08, 2006

I've Figured it Out

I've done a lot of souls searching and have come to the conclusion that central banks around are literally duck taping this entire global financial system together.

1. In the long run how can central banks attempt to out print each other and there be anything other than a financial crisis?

2. If the fed lower rates and the rest of the world keeps accumulating treasuries where will the new bubble form? Faber says possibly grains or asian equities. Good ideas.

3. Keynes says in the long run we are all dead. True.

4. I dont think in the long run you can wrong with metals or farmland. They will test stand the test of time.

5. Janzen, Faber figured out the current monetary system years ago and are ahead of everyone even some of the best HF guys.

6 What is going to hapen to the mortgage market?

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