Friday, December 08, 2006

EOD Thoughts

The Vix signal I pointed out earlier proved to be false, although volatility did seem to pick up. The dollar was pounded higher because every CB in the entire world is buying US securities still. I'm convinced Asia knows capitalism about as well as they know frech fries. They aren't going to prevent the inevitable from happening as George Soros has said and proved over and over again. Nevertheless, there intervention is making imbalances even worse and regrettably we have passed the point of no return for the global system. At some point cracks will show and risk will be repriced. I don't know this will play out, but they will cause pain for some.

JC recommended BLWD last night and it shot up. I guess this is a pretty big indicator of the kind of speculation going on. Its not that great of a company, but the rumor mill seems to be driving everything.

Bonds moved down for god knows reason why.

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